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Commercial Roofing Trends: Meeting the Demands of Modern Businesses


Although trends in interior design may be more exciting to talk about, it is usually the exterior that will have the greatest impact on the condition of a building. Specifically, the quality of a roof will have a direct influence on the quality of the rest of the structure. 


To this effect, trends in commercial roofing have undergone some exciting changes over the past decade. For more on the latest in the commercial roofing industry, keep reading for some modern roofing trends that have arisen from modern business demands!

Low Maintenance



The costs of running a commercial building are higher than ever in 2023. From sky-high rents to staffing challenges, businesses are having to open up the checkbook to keep commercial properties going these days. Therefore, it is critical that maintenance and upkeep costs are kept to a minimum in commercial structures. 


With this in mind, one of the best ways to keep maintenance costs under control is through the installation of a premier roof. The quality of the roof can affect the quality of the rest of the building. Leaking roofs can lead to damage throughout the building, so it is vital that it is of the highest quality. Some ways to install a durable, low maintenance roof include:


  • – Adding roof insulation and cover board to help create a stronger air and moisture barrier
  • – Choosing between b-decking and type n roof deck to increase load-bearing capacity and prevent acute damage
  • – Applying UV-resistant surface materials to limit degradation due to sun exposure


While you will still want to wash commercial roofs and remove any potential hazards at various points of the year, building with these types of low maintenance features in mind can greatly improve the cost efficiency of owning and operating a commercial building. 



Due to the aforementioned rising costs, modern businesses are under increasing pressure to maximize every square inch of space their building can provide. This makes functional rooftops a must. Whether it serves as a space for light packing or a hybrid interior/exterior space that allows patrons to step outside and enjoy a change of scenery, businesses are increasingly looking for ways to put their rooftops to better use.


When designing a functional rooftop, safety and durability should be the primary concerns. Be sure to secure the perimeter with a low-profile railing to prevent accidents without inhibiting views. In addition, choose the right type of finishing material, such as rubber roofing pavers, that will accommodate foot traffic while still promoting adequate drainage. 

Aesthetically Pleasing


Modern businesses must make sure that their roofs don’t sacrifice form for the sake of function. Flat roof pavers are vital for securing the aesthetics of functional roofs. However, the curb appeal of pitched roofs should not be overlooked either. 


Curb appeal is an increasingly important consideration for modern businesses. Employees and customers alike want to enter into a building in which they can take pride. Therefore, rundown and degraded roofs will not cut it in the modern business climate. When choosing materials for a pitched roof, look at products such as metal and composite tiles. These types of products are available in numerous designs, are easy to clean, and not susceptible to UV damage, helping promote strong aesthetics indefinitely.




With the United States eyeing a net-zero economy by 2050, modern businesses are feeling the squeeze to curb consumption and become as energy efficient as possible. This obviously brings solar panels to mind. While there is no doubt that using solar roofing technology is a wonderful way for businesses to create renewable energy and reduce their carbon footprint, it is important to remember that it is just one way to promote sustainability through roofing. Some other ideas include:


  • – Adding roof insulation and cover board to improve the R-value of the roof
  • – Choosing recyclable products such as metal
  • – Using durable materials such as metal and composite that won’t degrade and allow unwanted air and moisture transfer


As the roof is the first line of defense against the forces of nature, its condition is one of the primary factors in determining a building’s energy efficiency, so it is critical for modern businesses to design their roofs with sustainability in mind.

Fire Resistant


If you have paid any attention to the news recently, you’ve undoubtedly seen stories about the ongoing wildfires that continue to wreak havoc on Canada. In the era of climate change, wildfires are just a fact of life for most parts of the world.


And even if you’re not in an area where a wildfire is likely, accidents and electrical fires in commercial buildings are a threat of their own. Therefore, it is important to build with fire-resistant roofing to limit the threat of a blaze compromising your building. Metal, composite, and stone pavers are a few products that come with the highest fire ratings on the market to help limit the risk of fire damage to your business. 

Stay Ahead of the Latest Commercial Roofing Trends


Commercial roofs are being put to the test in new and creative ways in 2023. Therefore, it is critical that your business stay ahead of the game for your building to thrive. For the latest commercial roofing trends, check out the resources at the National Roof Certification and Inspection Association for additional resources! 


Roger Marx is a freelance writer that loves sharing his knowledge and expertise on the latest trending building and design products. He lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota where he enjoys spending time with his wife and working on backyard projects in his spare time. Roger’s work as a freelance writer can be found on Building Product Advisor, a construction industry resource site.

Kari Meyer

Operations for NRCIA

Author: Kari Meyer

Operations for NRCIA