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Homeowner Resources

Above all, the NRCIA advocates for the integrity of both homeowner’s roof and the hired roof inspector or contractor. We believe educating homeowners and the real estate community is the first step toward a successful professional engagement and potentially life-long roofing care advising relationship between homeowners and roofers.

The NRCIA provides homeowners and other members of the real estate community with a variety of educational tools. These include:

Roof Inspection Service Description

Roof Certification Service Description

NRCIA Articles

Find an NRCIA Member

Although members have business autonomy, the NRCIA is the governance for its members regarding roof inspections and certifications. As a condition to join the NRCIA, members must complete an application, pass online training, and agree to adhere to strict NRCIA standards and code of ethics. Members are licensed annually to perform roof inspections and issue LeakFREE® roof certifications. They are rated on a 5-star system and must provide top-quality service to maintain their membership status.

To find a member in your area, please fill out this form and we will contact you shortly.

    If you are looking for an NRCIA-certified roofing inspector, please fill out our contact form below and your information will be forwarded to the nearest qualified NRCIA Member. We will follow up with you within the next 24 business hours. We highly recommend filling out the form instead of calling.

    Important: NRCIA inspectors are highly qualified experts. Inspections from certified roof professionals are not free. NRCIA inspectors charge according to their market. Professional inspections by an NRCIA inspector provide detailed reports that will help your roof system.

    Property Type:


    Reason For Inspection:

    You can select multiple options or other if unknown

    Buying/Selling a HomeLeak InvestigationRoof Certification/WarrantyRepair/Replacement ProposalWorkmanship Evaluation3rd Party Damage EvaluationInstallation ComplianceInsurance ClaimDeck/Balcony Inspection (CA-SB721)Other

    Additional Details: