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You have selected the CA SB 721 Certified Inspector membership level.

Membership Information

You have selected the CA SB 721 Certified Inspector membership level.

The NRCIA is the leading organization in the industry, offering the only CA SB 721 compliance training and certification program. This program is designed for professionals who wish to broaden their inspection services to include Exterior Elevated Elements (EEE). In 2018, the California Legislature passed a bill mandating regular inspections of wood materials used in balconies, decks, walkways, staircases, etc., in multifamily residential units with 3 or more units. The purpose of these inspections is to ensure the safety of both residents and the general public. There is a high demand for inspectors, but not enough professionals in the field. The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.

The price for membership is $2,499.00 per Year.

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Account Information

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Company Information

NRCIA recommends that you have a business. A business will give you a little legal protection and help you to look more professional and allow you to accept payment in the name of the business. If you choose not to create a business at this time, then enter your personal information into the company fields below. Have the Company name as just your full name.